Monday, October 10, 2011

New Plein Air Sketch

A Boy and his Dog Statue
8X10, Oil on Linen
Here's a quick oil sketch. I focused on the large light and dark shapes, and blocked the entire picture in quickly. These quick sketches make nice color studies.

Note: For quick sketches, I just use Gamsol to thin my paint. I paint with a combination of thin paint and thick paint. The thicker paint is usually in the light areas.


Unknown said...

This is a beautiful painting! And I so appreciate the little tip about thick and thin paints! Very helpful!

Jason Peck said...

Hi Katherine,

Thank you, and I forgot to mention the colors I used.

For the statue I used mixtures of Titanium White, Burnt Sienna, and Ultramarine Blue.

The green color in the background is a mixture of Cad. Yellow Light, Ultramarine Blue, and Burnt Sienna.

The rest of the surrounding darks are just mixtures of Burnt Sienna, Ultramarine Blue, and Titanium White.

I use Winsor & Newtons Burnt Sienna, which is actually PR101, also known as Transparent Oxide Red.


armandcabrera said...


Great painting, I love the drawing and color in this.

Jason Peck said...

Hey Armand,

Thank you, I had fun painting this one. There was another statue right next to this one, and Ill be painting it soon. Im going to try a different palette for the next one. I plan on using White, Raw Sienna, and Ivory Black on a canvas that I pre-stained with a wash of burnt sienna-PR101.